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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  February 14, 2019 7:00am-9:01am PST

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amy? >> reporter: good morning, reggie. people are starting to wake up in this neighborhood. they're coming out to check out the scene and they can't believe what they are seeing. this is what is left of one home, maybe two. it's a mangled mess. >> one home on top of a hill on sausalito avenue came crashing down in a mud slide and landed in another home. that first home that came down, had a woman inside of it. she was trapped. her neighbors could hear her crying for help. rescue crews were able to get in there and evacuate her safely. they took her to the hospital as a precaution. she is okay and expected to recover and be fine. there was no one inside that second home. that home was vacant. now the sun is starting to come up and we can get a better sense of what we're getting here. we see how densely packed in
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these homes are and the huge hill that has homes situated up on it. they have evacuated the neighborhood. but there are people on main street that weren't evacuated. they're coming out here and realizing what they heard last night and how bad the situation is. >> i remember in the night just hearing all sorts of big wind and big rain, but one of those things probably was the house sliding and i didn't realize it. but our bedroom is in the back of the house so i didn't necessarily hear it exactly. >> reporter: do you feel safe here? are you worried? >> i have to go to work in an hour. but it's kind of that situation where you don't want to be around but you do in case something bad happens, it's like should i grab things from my house? precious things? gets you thinking about that
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kind of stuff. >> reporter: authorities now that the sun is coming up they're going to figure out what to do next. what their next steps are going to be. they have city engineers out here testing the soil to determine if this hillside is safe or if i could fall some more. that's how they'll start making decisions on when or whether to let people in here. stay with us as this is a developing situation right now. officials trying to figure out what to do next. they aren't going to tackle this area quite yet. they say they don't think this is going anywhere. amy hollyfield, "abc7 news." >> it's incredible to see that house this morning. of course those 50 homes still evacuated. we appreciate that update. >> we want to turn to matt keller who's in the south bay.
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you have some new information on the flooding there. >> reporter: orders have been lifted so everybody is allowed to go back home if they left earlier this morning. check out the guadalupe river. let me tell you what the spokesperson said. she said that the river and creek levels have crested and they've noticed they're gone down. that's why they're vifting those vax orders this morning. nearby about 20 owners of rvs pay to park there, but when the guadalupe river gets high, it's possible the parking lot could flood. >> i remember in the night just hearing all sorts of, like, big -- >> reporter: do you feel confident that everyone is out? >> we believe we have, but until we have light, we can't confirm for sure. >> can you talk to us about the
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stability and the stitchituatio the rest of the neighborhood? >> we're out and doing some soil assessments. we don't have a report on that condition of that soil. clearly with the rain, there' a lot of instability. so we don't know if there are areas that are going to be shored up. >> reporter: i've been smelling gas -- >> obviously that was from amy hollyfield's story in sausalito. we're talking about san jose here. and like i said earlier, maybe my microphone went out, but the evacuation orders have been lifted. they're saying that the rivers have crested here and ross creek has crested. that's why people are being told that they can go back home safely this morning. police did knock on doors all around the ross creek area and the area around the guadalupe
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river this morning telling people and advising people to get out just in case these rivers and creeks did go over its banks. it did not appear that we had any flooding in this area and the evacuation orders have been lifted. i was told that the willow glen community center is going to remain open. they want to make sure residents are safe where they're at. i know there are some issues of getting people to their homes to the evacuation center. they're going to make sure that evacuation center remains open this morning. they say, remain alert, be informed, you can follow us on sign up for those alerts from the county because you can get those on the phone. i received one at about 4:30 advising us about those evacuation orders this morning. as you can see, the rain has lined up significantly. we haven't seen much rain over the last hour and a half. so that's --
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>> okay. thank you, matt. reporting live from the south bay. where those evacuation orders have been lifted. just to clarify, the mud slide that we've been reporting on, that's in sausalito, that's in the north bay. let's turn to metrologist mike nicco. >> let's flotake a look at the river flooding. moderate stage right there. same thing with the russian river, the napa river and the pet ta aluminum ma river, minor. guadalupe river is now near flood stage and falling. so some more good news there. it has crested. as far as some of our creeks, we've got some major flooding allow will low brook, all of those in the north bay, we have moderate flooding right now. let's go to sausalito. look at this, 24-hour rain totals, four and three quarters inches. and we had that peak wind gust
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at 45 miles per hour. you had unstable soil and wind pushing against it, the house acting like a sail catching that wind. all of that could have contributed to that mud slide and nearly 6 inches of rain over the last 48 hours. our heaviest rain is moving through 84, if you like to take that shortcut from livermore to 680. it is getting dicey there. 680 all the way up from the san ramon valley, acosta boulevard, all the way up to concord boulevard we've got the rain right there as you head out willow past, it's heading east. we're getting a little bit of a break right now. if you look to our south and west, another chunk of energy is rolling through that's why we're keeping the storm impact scale at a two. we have thunderstorms in the
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forecast that will create their own downpours, flooding and their own wind damage. in fact here's a look at my 12-hour forecast, starting in san jose, you can see just a lovely picture of the different layers of clouds. and it looks like it's not laini raining in this area. we're windy, wet and warm, temperatures falling now through noon and creates that chance of a thunderstorm. there will be a little more scattered at 4:00 and we got another chunk of energy coming through at 7:00. that's going to bring another round of thunderstorms. i know it's valentine's day, but just remember to take your umbrella and keep your significant other dry and warm. right now let's send it back to you guys. >> mike, thank you. we want to continue our breaking news coverage of the mud slide that happened overnight in sausalito. >> a house slid down a hill.
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one person was inside. she was taken to the hospital and a bunch of people had to be evacuated. wane feed man is there. when we checked in with you at lost, you said there were a couple dozen people at that center. >> it's about 25 people. most of them including an infant are still here in the fire station. this happened at about 3:00 this morning, the red cross is here, these folks are waiting to see what happened. they didn't get out with a lot. among the people, zach, you were living there on the slope. you were on the low sausalito boulevard. >> yeah. on the 400 block. >> reporter: and this house fell into cresent drive. >> correct we were on the top of the hill next to the house that slid down cresent drive. >> reporter: what did you hear? >> what sounded to be two freight trains colliding together. i knew it was something a little bit than an earthquake.
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it felt like either something fell on top of our house or again a bulldozer or train hit somewhere. >> reporter: was there any warning? if you're from chicago so you're probably not tuned into things like soil yet. >> not at all. i'm not used to mudslides. i am used to the wind. it was windy and rainy throughout the night. but i would have never expected anything like this. >> reporter: when you say windy and rainy, how windy and rainy? >> you could hear it whistling outside. we have glass windows and you can hear it hit the window hard. >> reporter: compare today a midwest thunderstorm? >> from what i experienced, made it a lot worst. >> reporter: when this house slid, did it hit your house? >> no, i didn't. >> reporter: the woman inside,
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was she in the house? >> yes. >> reporter: did you see her? >> we did not. we were evacuated quickly. my neighbor came down and told us to get down, i grabbed a shirt, my slippers, there were power lines that we had to squeeze through. >> reporter: how much damage to her house? was she able to walk out or was it all -- >> i think they found her at the bottom of the hill. from what i've heard, she slid on the mattress and she suffered little damages. thank god she's okay. and they were able to escort her out to a hospital. >> reporter: she's out. you're out. you don't know if everybody else is out there? >> we don't know. >> how many houses were evacuated? >> 50 people have been evacuated in the community. >> this was a case where they didn't evacuate you, you heard this thing go down and you evacuated yourself? >> correct. but first responders were
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probably there within about two or three minutes after the initial noise that we heard. >> what do you know about getting back up there? is it too soon to tell? >> yeah, the first responder here told us we were going to be about waiting eight hours until we hear something, but they have to see the damage and also assess the integrity of the foundation. >> you've been in california how long? >> about a year and a half? >> you should be used to this by now. >> no, i'm not. this is all a learning experience. hopefully everything will be okay and everybody will be al right. >> big scare. >> that's right. thankful no one was seriously injured. >> and the people here are treating you all right? >> absolutely. they're providing all the food, comfort, they've been great, especially mike who's leading this whole thing. doing a great job. >> speaking of mike, we got more sound with mike when we spoke with him about 20 minutes ago. let's roll some tape with him.
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zach, thank you very much. >> the weather has done a number to our soils. the sunrise is coming up, we're starting to get a sense of the damage and doing a damage assessment. >> that was mike who's the emergency officer here in sausalito. he spoke with us about a half-hour ago talking about what is going to happen next. now the sun is coming up, maybe we'll get a better handle on what's going on. we do know that a house has slid several hundred feet at least from sausalito boulevard into cresent drive that roughly 50 people have been evacuated. some 25 of them are here in the fire department waiting for word. they don't know when they're going to go back to their houses. we know a woman inside the house up top road ultimate way down.
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we're told she survived by riding a mattress. we don't know her name or condition or anything about her condition. the residents tell us when this house went, they had no warning. they weren't looking at the soil. it had been raining and blowing really hard all night as we have more we'll give you more. live in sausalito, wayne freedman. >> happened at 3 in the morning when it must have been so confusing. >> how terrifying. >> thanks so much for that live interview. >> the storm wreaking havoc. we want to turn now to alexis smith tracking the roads. and you mentioned an area where there's a pothole and about 30 cars who had flat tires? >> that's what calls into chp were saying. we can zoom in on our maps and talk about that area. it has cleared from the board in the backup in the areas looking better. i don't think they've made the
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repair by this point. it was on the westbound 580 ramp. a large pothole opened up on the right side of the roadway. i believe they have it coned off now, but originally they were saying nine to ten cars had flats and it continued, went up to 15 and the last one was an estimate of about 30 vehicles off on the shoulder with flat tires. i'm guessing no one is taking that lane out. folks can see that and they aren't going to drive into it. but that was certainly a tough way to start the commute. we do still have a sig alert on northbound 880. this is before davis street. se semilost control. seven miles per hour on the approach that slammed for many miles now. avoid that. 580 is looking a little bit better. we got several issues as you would imagine. we'll talk more coming up in just a few. >> right now we want to go to
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amy hollyfield who's in sausalito for us. she's been reporting from the scene of that mud slide where that home slid down the hill and with one person inside. amy? >> reporter: jessica, i have a new vantage point i want to show you. the home that slid, this is the path it took. it was up on that hill and came crashing down this hill, sliding down with a woman inside of it. we're told she was in the second floor of her home when it came down this hill. there is so much debris it's hard to tell what we're looking at. we see a car in the rubble in there. and now we see rescue crews and fire officials looking through the debris, trying to assess just what happened here and if this hillside is stable or if we can expect for it to give even more. the home came down this hill and then crashed into another house.
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her home was up on sausalito avenue and came down and landed on crescent. the home it landed in was vacant. but there was a woman in the original home. she was -- >> a house slid down from sausalito boulevard to increacr boulevard and hit another house. >> reporter: what were you hearing? you could hear her? >> she was calling for help and then i called 911 and then the sheriff showed up and there's some emergency vehicles on the other side of the wreckage. >> reporter: do you feel confident that everyone is out? >> we believe we have. we can't confirmed for sure. >> can you talk to us about the stability for the rest of the neighborhood? >> we evacuated 50 homes in the area as a precaution. our department of public works from the city of sausalito is out and they're doing some soil assessments. we don't have a report yet on the condition of that soil.
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clearly with the rain, there's a lot of instability so we don't know if there's areas that need to be shored up or if this is the extent of the slide damage. >> reporter: i've been smelling gas. has it been capped? >> it has not yet. we have a gas leak and in addition to that we have multiple power lines down. all of they see issues are being dealt with right now. >> reporter: that interview was about an hour go aheaago. you can see firefighters getting in there now to try and make sure that everyone is out. as you heard the fire chief say, they think everyone is out but they want to check and make sure. and now the sun is coming up or at least it's daylight and now they can see. earlier it was so dark and so difficult to figure out what they were dealing with, what they were looking at. so now they're going to really be able to make some progress. i checked in to see what's the
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latest, what are they doing now, they're bringing in outside resources to help them get a scope of what they're dealing with and to help them figure out next steps. so daylight here. a huge advantage. now they can start making some progress in this situation that has been just so unstable and so scary for the people in this area. reggie and jessica, back to you. >> amy hollyfield reporting live from sausalito for us. you can see some water rushing down that hill where that firefighter was working. and that's the concern this morning. the hillsides are saturated. >> it's received nearly five inches of rain. >> i tried to put a graphic together, i think the numbers are too small. what i was going to show you was nearly six inches of rain on all of the reporting stations around sausalito and that's the reason why we've had the issue. let me go ahead and talk about -- they had a peak wind
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gust this morning also of around 45 miles per hour. here you go. and that's another factor likely in this because when you've got wind hitting a house, it acts like a sail, that could have destabilized or shook is ground just enough for this saturated soil to -- like in an earthquake. it could have liquid fied the soil and that could have been the reason why we had the issue with the house sliding down. so the winds were gusty all throughout the overnight hours. let's talk about what's happening now. navarro river, russian river, moderate flooding.derate floodi. napa river, minor flooding. petaluma river, still rising.
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the guadalupe river is the lowest. it's falling. that's the only one that's falling right now. for creek flooding we still have moderate flooding in willow brook, sonoma creek, and you notice all of these are pretty much in sonoma county. now we do have high tide rolling through all of our neighborhoods. up until another 39 minutes we've got a flood advisory for our bay shoreline because of the high hide rolling through. things are kind of quieting down a little bit on live doppler 7. you can see that there's more showers developing to our south and west. enjoy the lull while you have it. because it's not going to last very long. in fact look at this. we still have wet roads because of all the rain and we're going to have poor to dangerous commuting conditions all morning, guys, back to
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welcome back. it's 7:23. we continue tracking breaking news in the north bay. this is in sausalito where overnight there was a mud slide and you are seeing here on the right-hand side of your screen that is video from overnight when a home came crashing down from sausalito boulevard onto the street below and on the left side of your screen, you're seeing sky7 above that area where that hill, where the home slid down. >> and as mike mentioned a couple of minutes ago, we are seeing a little break in the storm. so that's why you're not seeing any rain right now. that is hopefully going to help some of the firefighters and others who were there to assess what happened there. oh, my goodness. you can see what happened. and how far that house had to travel in order to slide down that hill. and as jessica pointed out, it looks like a water fall that is cascading down this hill. >> there was a person inside that home that slid down the
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mountainside, the hillside, and that woman who was inside the home was apparently in a room in the second story of the home and was on a mattress as we have started to piece this together throughout the morning. she was hospitalized as a precaution. we're told that she's doing okay. she was speaking to rescuers when they first got to the scene. again you're seeing that water come down the hillside. this hill has been saturated with all this rain. mike said roughly five inches of rain coming down between 24 and 48 hours. >> you can see all the debris left behind as it went down the hill. and as sky7 continues to follow this here, you'll see where the home ended up. 50 homes had to be evacuated as a result of this mud slide and now about a couple dozen people are at an evacuation center in sausalito where they're waiting it out and kind of waiting on when they're going to be able to
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go back to their homes. this happened at 3:00 a.m. this morning. people didn't know what was going on. >> that's right. and we have crews there on the ground. "abc7 news" reporter amy hollyfield is there with a vantage point from the ground and showing us what firefighters are doing right now as they clean up this mess. amy, good morning. >> >> reporter: good morning. now that it's daylight we are really getting to see the amazing scene here as the mayor of sausalito said to me, wow, it is so eye-opening. it's been so dark here for so long and we've seen mangled debris but now we can see the path that this home took up on a hill, slide all the way down from sausalito avenue down to cresent drive into another home. firefighters are now out here searching and i said for people?
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they said it's just protocol. they have to make sure and see what's in there, what's underneath all of this debris. they just have to look and see. they don't know what to expect as far as when they start moving stuff around if anything else is going to come down. if it's going to slide anymore. and that's why they have evacuated this area. they've also brought in some outside resources to help them figure out their next steps. this is, you know -- they're making this up as they go. there's not a handbook for this there's not a handbook for this on california phones offers free specialized phones... like cordless phones. - ( phone ringing ) - big button, and volume-enhanced phones. get details on this state program. visit right now or call during business hours. but me and crunchy here make a great team. we even finish each other's... babybel: (to crunchy)you're supposed to say sentences... crunchy: ---sentences. babybel: well not now.
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during business hours. welcome back. we continue following breaking news in sausalito where we had a home that was onboulevard, this from sky7. you see sausalito boulevard and perhaps where that hole is is where that home was situated and then it went sliding down the hillside with a woman inside. we're told that woman is doing okay. she was hospitalized with some minor injuries, as a precaution. >> so i think what is happening here is because of the angle where we're at, you can't see where the house ended up. you see the debris. but there's a big chunk of house that you can't see. this woman was on the second floor when this all happened and this hit another home. >> we are going to rejoin "good
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morning, america" here on television but we have continuing coverage on our live stream online,, as well as our social media ♪ell as our social media ♪ welcome back to "gma." you e looking at the brand-new teaser trailer for "frozen 2," the highlyntipated sequel to the blockbuster hit "froze" just couldn't let it go. we had to bring it back. that's right. >> and you just couldn't let that go. >> i couldn't let that go. was too easy. it was too easy. but therare a lot of clues in th trailer right there. 're going to have much more coming up in "pop news," everybody. we have a lot of headlines to get to this morning as well. congress racing to pass their deal to fund the vernment the next shutdown deadline. they're expected to vote today but president trump has not yet agreed to sign the deal.
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and the west is getting hit with one of the strongest storms this season, millions facing flooding, possible mudslides in california. and the longest running mars rover ever, you see it right there, over and out. nasa says the opportunity is officially gone after 15 years. it was only supposed to last for three months but it just kept going and going and eventually covered 28 miles and provided nasa with crucial information about mars. that was something right there. >> it really was. so is your interview, jussie smollett, and so many questions out there about what happened. >> you know, it's been two weeks and there are very few leads leaving many to have questions about that night. >> why did you hesitate to call the police? >> there's a level of pride there. we live in a society where, as a gay man, you are considered somehow to be weak and i'm not weak. i am not weak. and we as a people are not weak. so, during that time before they
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came, took them about maybe a half hour to come, and during that time i was looking at myself just like checking myself out. i saw the bruise on my neck like the little -- the rope burn around my neck and then -- but i smelled bleach. i know the smell of bleach and i saw on my sweatshirt it had marks on it like spots on it when you have a bad bleach job, so then i was like there's bleach on me too so, when the police came, i kept the clothes on, i kept the rope on. >> you had the rope on the entire time? >> it wasn't like wrapped around but, yeah, i wanted them to see. i wanted them to see what this was. i told them what happened, everything. i also asked them to turn their body cams off because they were trying to stay in the hallway. i was like, please just come in. i don't want a big scene with my neighbors and the second round of police officers, i went down to where it happened and i walked them through exactly what happened and i looked up and i saw that there was a camera
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directly on the light post that is in the intersection so i'm like, there it is. >> reporter: a potential break in the case that would eventually fall apart days later. >> and then the detective told me that the camera inside of the casing was facing north so they didn't have it, and that was disappointing. >> the vast majority of people have been supportive and loving and understanding and then as time has gone on, that there's no -- it's 20:00 in the morning. you're going to subway. sub zero. >> subway is open 24 hours. people kill me when they say things like that. subway's open for 24 hours for a reason so when you're hungry at night and you ain't got no food, you go to subway. the camera facing north, how is that my issue? it feels like if i had said it was a muslim or a mexican or someone black, i feel like the doubters would have supported me
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a lot much more, a lot more, and that says a lot about the place that we are in our country right now. >> reporter: many of those doubts surround the issue of his phone with some wondering why he didn't initially hand it over to authorities. >> they wanted me to give my phone to the tech for three to four hours. i'm sorry, but i'm not going to do that. >> why? >> because i have private pictures and videos and numbers. my partner's number. my family's number. my castmates' numbers, my friends' numbers, my private email, my private songs, my private voice memos. i don't know what that's going to be to hand over my phone for -- and honestly by then inaccurate false statements had already been put out there. >> earlier this week he submitted phone records from within an hour of the incident but chicago police said they were limited and heavily
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redacted, adding, they need additional information to corroborate the investigative timeline. his attorneys tell us they are willing to cooperate. smollett also says he's been troubled by inaccurate claims. >> what other ones had you heard that were inaccurate? >> that i said they were wearing maga hats. i never said that. i didn't need to add anything like that. they called me a [ bleep ]. they called me a [ bleep ]. there's no which way you cut it. i don't need some maga hat as the cherry on top of some racist sundae. i've heard that it was a date gone bad, which i so resent that narrative. i'm not going to go out and get a tuna sandwich and a salad to meet somebody. that's ridiculous. and it's offensive. yes, there's grinder, yes, there's jacked. yes, there's all of these things which i have not been on in years.
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i can admit i was on that back in the day. i was single. you know what i'm saying? but i haven't been on that in years. >> what were your injuries? >> they did x-rays. i didn't have -- it was reported that i had like fractured ribs or cracked ribs or something like that, that wasn't true. i was just in a lot of pain, you know, my clavicle was messed up. my rib was bruised but i wasn't -- nothing was cracked, like i walked into the hospital. i walked out of the hospital. >> why do you think you were targeted? >> i can just assume, i mean, i come really, really hard against 45. i come really, really hard against his administration and i don't hold my tongue. >> i want to ask you about jussie smollett. >> i think that's horrible. it doesn't get worse as far as i'm concerned. >> were you aware that he made that statement? >> i saw it. i don't know what to say to that, you know.
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you know, i appreciate him not brushing over it. >> and there is no doubt in your mind what motivated this attack? >> i could only go off their words. i mean, who says [ bleep ], "empire" [bleep], this maga country, ties a noose around your neck and pours bleach on you, and this is just a friendly fight? i will never be the man that this did not happen to. i am forever changed. and i don't subscribe to the idea that everything happens for a reason, but i do subscribe to the idea that we have the right and responsibility to make something meaningful out of the things that happen to us, good and bad. >> again, that's the first time that he's given such a detailed account. he was really excited when he saw the camera. >> there's no way he could have
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known the camera was turned away. >> detectives didn't know -- it was inside the casing -- that it was facing the other direction and he had no idea about that and he -- i asked if there were other possible threats that he had received and he did talk about the letter that was sent to the fox studio where "empire" is set. police have confirmed that letter and we'll show it to you in our next hour. more importantly, there's many reasons why jussie wanted to sit down, first to say thank you to his many supporters, to answer the questions, the critics, but the times that he became emotional is when he was talking about gay youth and the lgbtq community, the message for them and how they are viewing how this is being handled. >> but he seemed pretty forthcoming. >> he did not -- nothing was out of bounds. there was nothing that i could not ask and he truly wanted to -- and he'll explain in the next hour the four main reasons why he wanted -- >> a lot of anger there too. >> oh, yes, and as he said, he's not just angry at what happened then he's angry at what happened
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he realizes -- he's on social media and realizes that people, you know, some people are going to look at his interview and think one thing. he has no control over that. but he is -- is adamant and as i said earlier the police have said he's been consistent, that he's been credible, that he has been cooperative and the investigation is still ongoing. >> they're still investigating. >> just two weeks. >> and we have a lot more coming up in the next hour. all right. and coming up also, when we come back we have that scare in the sky for those passengers right there. a close talker. so i was excited about all-new colgate total. its breakthrough formula does more... wonderful. sensitivity, strengthens teeth... it kills germs through my whole mouth.. i like your confidence. thanks mr. lee! now there's no such thing as too close. yes, there is. no, there's not. yes there is. no, there's not! okay. all-new colgate total.
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back now with that terrifying turbulence hitting the flight from southern california to seattle injuring five people and forcing an emergency landing. whit johnson has the story. good morning, whit. >> reporter: michael, good morning to you. passengers describing a severe and sudden jolt. and one described a flight attendant appeared to hit the ceiling as the plane took a dive. this morning, the new terrifying images from this west coast nightmare flight. >> it's okay. >> reporter: the violent turbulence toppling a drink cart shaking luggage loose from overhead bins, belongings littering the floor. >> your emergency aircraft, numerous injuries, we do not have the number of how many injuries. my understand is that we have two flight attendants that may be incapacitated.
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>> reporter: passengers stunned. >> it was like we were dying. it was awful. >> i was sitting toward the back of the plane so i saw the drink cart hit the ceiling along with the flight attendant. >> reporter: five injured. this woman holding a bandage over her head to stop the bleeding. the tower alerting first responders. >> there's multiple injuries, so they need medical personnel standing by. >> reporter: three transported to hospitals. delta compass flight 5763 taking off from john wayne airport in orange county, california, wednesday en route to seattle, instead diverting to reno following that severe turbulence. one passenger telling abc news the plane nose-dived twice during the flight. >> we were in freefall and then it bucked and then did a freefall again. >> reporter: the pilot calling in the emergency with 59 passengers, 4 crew members on board. the plane landing safely in reno. compass airlines saying in a statement, delta is making resources available to take care of and support our customers. we apologize for this experience. now, the airlines are now investigating why the turbulence
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was so severe in this case. most of those passengers ultimately made it safely to seattle overnight. michael. >> all right, thank you so much, whit. they made it safely. that's really what matters. >> thank goodness for that. coming up here, incredible comeback story on the baseball field. ible comeback story on the baseball field. but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr. a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma have happened. as have tears in the stomach or intestines, serious allergic reactions, low blood cell counts, higher liver tests and cholesterol levels. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. your doctor should perform blood tests before and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you've been somewhere fungal infections
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let's talk about thisd when we meet next week. edward jones came to manage a trillion dollars in assets under care by focusing our mind on whatever's on yours. we are back with that amazing comeback for danny farquhar, a pitcher who collapsed in the dugout. we all saw that. lara, you have his inspiring story. he's making a comeback.
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>> it's unbelievable. after he collapsed back in april, he spent 18 days in the icu. it was really touch and go for awhile but danny has beaten the odds, and with sheer will and determination he reports to spring training today. >> reporter: all eyes are on this walking miracle, danny farquhar. >> nice. >> reporter: the husband and father of three back on his feet, defying the odds, making an incredible comeback. >> every time i step on a big league mound it's pretty -- it's pretty awesome. >> reporter: it was nearly a year ago when the star right-handed pitcher for the chicago white sox suddenly collapsed in the dugout, undergoing multiple surgeries, his injuries leaving him in critical condition. doctors revealing danny suffered from a potentially deadly ruptured brain aneurysm. after spending nearly three weeks in the icu fighting for his life, many assumed danny would never pitch again. >> i was devastated that i wasn't going to be able to play and, you know, little did i know, little was i thinking, like, hey, man, your life just
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got saved by some doctors and you're lucky to be alive. >> reporter: the right-hander who turns 32 this weekend says this is just the beginning. >> our story is not over yet. so we're going to enjoy every moment. >> indeed. the fact that he's back on the mound at all at this level is nothing short of amazing. today, he reports to yankees pitchers and catchers practice at spring training and danny goes in with a new personal speed record for his pitching in the off-season, 90 miles an hour. go get 'em. >> the story is not over yet. >> not over yet. >> my goodness. wonderful. spring training already too. >> yes. >> it seems like it just ended. >> where does the time go? thank you, lara. coming up, we'll have more of our exclusive interview with jussie smollett. his message for the lgbtq community, especially gay youth. come on back.
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288 inches of snow already at smugglers notch, vermont. that's actually the most they've had to date since 2001 so they're loving it up there. and i've got to tell you we have a lot more coming up on "gma." that segment was sponsored by lincoln. but tory johnson is here because we're all valentine's day'd out. she's going to be too and you'll see the "deals steals" with tory johnson in a little bit. your local news and weather coming up. i like those earrings. okay. tory johnson
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"good morning america" is sponsored by allstate. are you in good hands? s? . are you in good hands?
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>> thank you, mik you're just t right now, welcome to our continuing coverage, breaking news in sausalito in the north bay where a hillside has come crashing down, a home that crashed down from sausalito boulevard onto the street below and with a person inside, that person is said to be doing okay and now we are watching as crews are trying to assess how much damage is out there and what to do next. >> so this has been two days of storms all across the bay area. but obviously it was hard hit in sausalito where they've had five inches of rain in the past 24 hours and are expecting at least another half inch today. right now it is not currently raining but the water continues to flow down this hillside where
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this mud slide happened. what you're seeing is the path that it took. you see all the debris as it goes down this hillside. you have to continue following it down to the very bottom which is where if you were to -- you're going to be able to see there's what remains of this home. you see the roof of it. you see where it stopped. and this is where shortly after 3:00 a.m., once officers got there, they were able to hear that there was a woman inside who was calling for help and that's when they went in and made the rescue. and that's when they had to start knocking on doors, waking the people up who weren't already stirred up because of the loud noise that this mud slide made. wake them up, get them out of their homes and those people didn't have much time to get out. this was a very dangerous situation so they had to get them out to a nearby fire station, now being moved to city hall. >> the stability very concerning and what you're seeing now from
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sky7 is where sausalito boulevard was originally. that homecoming down the hillside as it panning down there onto crescent avenue. and you can see how closely together these homes are in sausalito all on the hillside. that's why we have 50 homes evacuated right now. there's a concern that with more rain, that's forecasted throughout the day, this hillside will continue to become more unstable and we could see larger areas where they're affected by this mud coming down and if you see here, this is part of sausalito boulevard that was also wiped out, the street itself, and then that home where it was once situated is right here in the middle of your screen where that hole is. you can also see runoff, that water that still continues to come down the hillside. >> and we also saw earlier, you could see what looked to me to be two different vehicles along this path, this mud slide path. we don't know if those vehicles belonged to the home that ended
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up at the bottom of the hill or if they were taken from a nearby driveway or even the road because as you could see, there's a big chunk of the road that is missing. skymap7 was showing you where the road usually goes and there's no more path there. i don't know if you can get that skymap7 back up. but once we get that back up. there it is. sausalito boulevard is supposed to go across and currently it doesn't exist. so this is where we believe that home to have been and don't know if there were cars parked along it or what. but two of them ended up going down this hill with it. it is pretty amazing when you look at how far that went down that this was the only home that traveled down because as our reporter on the scene there showed us, there's a home that must have barely missed and so there are people inside there. they have now been evacuated as well and are trying to figure out what to do because at this point it is not safe to go back
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to these homes. >> no, and you have homes affected on so many different streets there. on sausalito boulevard itself, as well as those homes on crescent that have debris next to them and there's definitely damage in that area as well down blow on crescent avenue right nar main in sausalito. it is 8:00 a.m. we want to welcome our viewers. we are going to stay throughout. we're going to cover "good morning, america" right now because of this ongoing breaking news situation that is happening in sausalito, in the north bay where we have had a major mud slide overnight wiping out one home. there was a person inside of that home. we're told that person is okay right now but you can see there is widespread destruction in that area. a road is missing and there are many homes evacuated. >> and the rain isn't done yet, mike? >> no. i'm looking at this live shot
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from sky7 and this mud slide started above the road in the house and hit the house and pushed the house down all the way to the road below it. that's pretty impressive. look at that. that's 101. so this is just to the east of 101. so if you're looking out 101, you could see where this began and how close it got to 101 and taking parts of 101 down. live doppler 7 shows a little bit of light rain starting to come back into this area. and it's going to be light. it's going to be coming in and it's going to be hanging around, i'd say, for about an hour, maybe an hour and a half of light rain. the good news, it's not going to be heavy. and the winds have calmed down significantly. but as we head throughout this event, we could have a thunderstorm with heavy rain. but you're seeing live doppler 7 on your right side of your screen right there and that's the slug of moisture. thankfully it's all green.
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if that starts to turn to yellow or orange or red, then we're in a little bit of a pickle because that will be moderate intensity rain and that's, along with all that exposed soil now, could cause more mudslides and debris flows out of that thing and it could theoretically this mud slide could climb up the hill towards 101 if the rain comes down heaviest. that would be a worst-case scenario. that's a look from here. we've got more rain on the way and we've got more traffic to talk about. we're going to send it over to alexis and find out what's going on with our commute. >> i was going to continue coverage on this mud slide here this morning that took out the house and we are looking at skymap7 on sky7 as mike pointed out, this was really close to the 101 corridor there. so definitely a relief that it certainly didn't start higher than it did and blocking any
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lanes of 101. i have not heard anything from chp about them closing any lanes as a precaution. traffic is moving just fine in both directions, northbound, and southbound, and this did start down the hillside from the 10 corridor. we talk to chp all morning long, as soon as we have any information from them, perhaps the marin county sheriff's department, we will pass it along to you. as of right now, that looks like that is not structurally impaired or impacted by this mud slide and i will let you know if that changes. back to you guys. >> alexis, thank you. we do want to note that the storm is affecting the entire bay area. we want to check out now in the south bay with matt keller who has been tracking an ongoing situation there. earlier there were some evacuation advisories. those have since been lifted.
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matt, what's new there? >> reporter: about an hour ago we got the update that the advisory to evacuate has been lifted and everybody is allowed to go back home in this neighborhood. we're at the bridge here at al ma avenue just behind the elks lodge. you can see it's just below probably 14 feet right now and it has been receding this morning. obviously the concern is less and less as the water continues to go down and down. i talked to a spokesperson with the san jose emergency operation center and they told me that they say the river and creek levels have crested and noticed that they're going down all around. that's why they lifted that evacuation order. nearby at the elks lodge, 20 owners of rvs pay to park there, and maybe a handful of them decided it was smart to evacuate. police came at around 4:30 to tell them to leave. you're talking about minnesota
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avenue, willow glen way, all the way to atlanta avenue, all those neighborhoods, police were going door to door and telling people, advising people to leave. some decided they were going to pack up their stuff. we talked to one guy who has whine in his basement and he pulled all of those bottles up. and he said he's going to put all those wine bottles down below. but no damage, no flooding reported in this area. ross creek had those evacuation advisories given to people in person by police officers. but the good news, again, we're looking at the guadalupe river. it's high but it's not flooding. back to you in the studio. >> certainly a sigh of relief for folks because we have really bad flooding in san jose in these past recent years. and considering what we're seeing in the north bay, they must be feeling pretty lucky right now? >> reporter: could you repeat what you said? >> i was saying considering what
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we're watching in the north bay with that mud slide, these folks must be feeling pretty lucky especially because we have seen a lot of flooding in the san jose area in these recent years? >> reporter: two years ago we had that flooding along coyote creek and i believe that's why the city reacted the way it did. it sent out people to all these neighborhoods last night to tell everybody, be prepared, pack a bag, and that way if they did come around this morning which they did and knocked on the door, they could get out with their belongings and not have to worry about packing up and then leaving. when the flooding happens, it could happen so quickly. that was the big concern. and that's why the city reacted in the way they did. we're still concerned about mudslides in the santa cruz mountains. we heard about those mudslides. and my photographer drove over from santa cruz. he saw a spot which they had a mud slide there, there were
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debris there. there's that big concern up in the mountains. and we'll have to wait. i'm looking up right now, but i see clouds but i also see blue skies and that's the best news for the flooding situation. >> matt keller live in san jose this morning. >> let's get back to video that we had from earlier this morning from a mud slide in sausalito. this was overnight that this happened and you can see still dark in this video where this home came crashing down, an entire hillside wiped out. this home had a person inside, a woman, who was in the second story of the home when this came sliding down the hillside. she was hospitalized. we are told she had minor injuries, but was speaking to rescuers when they found her. and this has prompted an evacuation for nearly 50 homes in that area as crews are out
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there right now trying to figure out how stable this hillside is. there are many homes there, densely packed in that area where sausalito is and this is just below highway 101. >> when we first went on the air at 4:00 a.m., these are images from not long after the mud slide happened, and it was a little difficult to tell just how far the house traveled. >> right. >> in my head, i think that it seemed to me it was just like, you know, a few feet or something. that's not what happened. this was hundreds of feet that this house traveled down a steep hillside. amy hollyfield has been on the story all morning long. as soon as that -- as soon as we got that first light, amy, things changed, at least in our response to the story because we could see just how massive this mud slide must have been. >> reporter: yeah. when it was dark outside we
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couldn't even really get a sense of what we were looking at. we just knew we saw a bunch of debris and the mayor of sausalito was out here, and he's a realtor. he said he was trying to look for any kind of distinguishing factor that would give him an indication of what homes -- which homes he was looking at. and he couldn't figure that out. now that it's daylight, we're a little -- knocked off our feet at what we're looking at. we can't believe what that woman went through and how far her home went down that hill and this is where it landed, crashing into another home. you're looking at the debris of two homes along with trees that were taken out along the way. don't forget that home right there to the right and how closely it came to getting taken out. the homes here are built so close together and it's just remarkable to think about the lucky break that home got.
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but now the cleanup begins but first the assessment and that's what crews are doing right now. they're trying to figure out what to do next. what would be the safest thing to do next and how to protect this neighborhood while they also clean up and one more element, it just started to rain again. now we're going to be dealing with more rain. you can hear and see the runoff still coming down the hill and now some more is falling right now. >> that is certainly not good news. >> just about every element going on here. >> that is certainly not good news for folks out there. amy, earlier you mentioned a gas leak. can you still smell gas? >> i do. i still smell gas. i asked a pg&e worker who was here hours ago what's going on? what's the plan on capping that line? he said they're coming. that's the last we've heard.
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i don't know -- i don't know what the situation is there but that was how many hours ago? that was -- >> at least three or more. >> that was about five hours ago. >> wow. amy, you were talking earlier about a woman who lives around there. can you tell us again what that conversation was like? >> she's actually standing right here. kate, do you mind if i ask you a few questions? she's all dressed for work now. and it looks like you were coming by to take one more photo before heading off to work. >> i don't have morning face anymore. >> you look amazing. you look a lot better than i do. talk to us about where your emotions are right now especially as you're about to leave your home. >> now we can see where it started up there, it was too dark this morning to see that. and it looks like a -- you look up there and it looks like the same patch of land next to it and so you start thinking, like,
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it could happen right there and slide over here and get these houses. how do you predict these things? you don't. you just -- i guess it's what we're signing up for by living over here. i have never experienced anything like this. >> how long have you lived here? >> two years. >> it's a beautiful place. >> yeah. >> but the homes are densely packed in here and these are some steep hills. >> and we needed the rain so much. i didn't even rain between march and november of last year and now it's like we're getting all of it at once. and the land can't handle it, obviously. >> how are you feeling about what to do next from your standpoint? >> i don't know if there is anything to do. we just have to -- i don't know. get out if we need to get out. i'm going to work so --
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>> where are you sleeping tonight? >> i think -- >> okay. unfortunately we're having some trouble with amy's audio on scene. kate telling us she's going to go to work today and she's awe struck that this happened in our neighborhood. >> she's still trying to process what happened and where does she go from here, what's the plan. >> and amy mentioned just now, minutes ago, that it was starting to rain again and that's a concern because we see that runoff going down the highly side. >> tit won't be as intense as te rain we had over the last 24 hours which was nearly five inches. it's just green right there on live doppler 7 on the left side -- or the right side of your screen. but the bull's-eye is on sausalito right now. we've got more rain developing upstream which happens to be the
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southwest and thankfully it's all green also. and here's a rain for just marin county in the lowest total is 4.65. the highest total is more than eight inches and the marion civic center, nearly six inches. here's the way the rain is going to fall. we're going to reset the clock, we're at zero with the rain coming in right now, it's going to leave us about a third of an inch by noon. that's a nicer, gradual rain that will hopefully be able to soak in more than runoff. it's not going to be as extensive as it was last night. from noon until about seven t models are saying, you'll have some spotty rain drizzle. but 730 tonig:30 tonight throug minute we'll get more rain. it's going to fall rather
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gradually. we have a potential for thunderstorms today, tomorrow, and also saturday. and you're going to get localized heavier amounts of rain and localized wind gusts. overall the rain is going to fall gradually and over a longer duration of time than what we've dealt with unless we get one of those thunderstorms and all bets are off and more mudslides will likely happen. that's the worst-case scenario. >> thank you. let's go now to alexis who's been tracking the roads for us throughout the morning and unfortunately, really the whole bay area, we've seen a lot of problems. >> we sure have. and you guys pointed out, this slide is really close to 101 and that is a concern here this morning. so it is just to the east of the 101 corridor in sausalito. started right around sausalito boulevard and slid down onto crescent avenue. i can zoom in on our traffic maps and show you where this is. and there you go, you can see live doppler 7. we're getting some more rain in
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that area right now as well. so right now i'm not seeing much of a delay on the 101 corridor. it looks like the northbound side maybe a little bit of slowdown has filled in. but i've checked with all of my sources in the north bay and no one is saying anything about 101 being in danger of having the land in that area fall out. we are keeping a close eye on that. if we end up hearing anything, we'll pass that along. but right now that does not seem to be a danger. >> thank you, alexis, we were just talking about those folks who live nearby. some people weren't evacuated but there were about 50 homes that were told get out of there. and wayne freedman talked to some of those folks who woke up in the middle of the night. what an experience? >> reporter: there were about 25 people behind me in what was the evacuation center here at the fire department. this happened at 3:00 a.m.
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they're descriptions are, it sounded like a freight train. they had no warning and all of a sudden it just came down. i spoke with one resident named zach garza. it showed his house in relationship to the hill and after he saw that, he was just struck at how close this came to being more disastrous than it was. he said he didn't see the woman in the house in the duplex that slid down the hill, but he said he thought it was a couple hundred of yards. he said first he thought it was a deck and then it was much more than a deck. a short time ago a person who had been up there showed us some photographs of this scene. he wasn't able to give them to us. but it looks like somebody went along -- with a toy and just knocked it down. sticks and concrete, everything, spread all out. you've got a better view of it tan we have because you've seen
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some of the pictures. at this point they're still searching up there because this landslide took out four cars. they were convinced that nobody was in the cars, but they want to make certain. let's give you an interview with the emergency operations officer in sausalito. we spoke with him just a couple of minutes ago. >> the weather has done a number to our soils. reports coming back to the command post. we're starting to get a sense of the damage and doing a damage assessment. >> reporter: they're still trying to get an assessment. the people who were here in the evacuation center have moved to city hall. there were about 25 of them. the 26th was an infant. all of them here in their pajamas, bathrobes. a couple were able to get on
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clothes and most of them have no idea when they'll be able to get back up there. they're thinking it may be a couple of days before the area opens and there are concerns that the damage may be more widespread. we're told that the sheriff's department is going to be up there in a a little while. but it's very big. the last time there was a mud slide like this in that area here in sausalito was 1982. it was not as severe as this one. there was another incident on bridgeway boulevard, that was a case where the hill slide into a house as well. but nothing like what we have seen here. in fact we haven't seen a mud slide like this in marin county in years and years and years. so a lot of assessing to be done. a lot of figuring out to be done. a lot of looking at this hillside to made sure that it's going to be able to hold. and a lot of residents who don't know when they're going to get home. that is the latest in sausalito, live abc7.
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>> that's the first time i've heard four cars were involved. we saw two. was that someone from the firefighters telling you that? >> i saw a pictur of one of them. it was a black bmw. you could tell because the bmw logo is the only thing that was visible. everything else was covered by mud, covered by wood, covered by concrete, just buried and i don't think anybody was in there but if they were in there, they'd have a hard time getting out. they're doing everything they can to check to make sure that everybody is okay. so far it appears we and they have been fortune but this is still an evolving situation. >> it seems like we've been spared. let's hope that remains. thanks so much. >> we will continue to have that video there on the left side of your screen of that mud slide. but we want to turn now to matt keller who's down in san jose
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watching the guadalupe river and all the creeks there in the area. matt? >> reporter: hi, jessica, what a crazy morning here in san jose. police officers knocking on doors telling people that they should evacuate their homes in several different neighborhoods including this neighborhood around the guadalupe river and also the neighborhood around ross creek at cherry avenue in willow glen. i was told it had gotten over 15 feet earlier this morning. as you look now, it appears that it's under 14 feet which is great news that it's going that direction, down, and that is what the emergency operation center here in san jose, a spokesperson told me that they have seen the rivers and creeks in san jose rest and now they're headed in the other direction. and it appears we have some light rain today. it appears that these creeks and rivers are going in the right direction for the people who are living in these neighborhoods. what a wild morning it was. a lot of people getting all
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their stuff packed and ready to go and getting in cars and moving on. i talked with -- i got a message from the red cross about how many people were at the willow glen community center this morning, that was the evacuation center, and they should they got 20 people and they halls had some pets who were there as well. so people were evacuating there. of course it was 4:30 in the morning. some people may have just headed to work or went to the homes of friends and family. so at that time, we did see those people packing up their cars. obviously brought up memories of what happened on coyote creek two years ago. but the city of san jose very prepared this time. last night they were knocking on doors and telling people to pack up and be ready to go. and then this morning at 4:00 police started knocking on doors and advising people to go ahead and leave. but that evacuation order was lifted at about 7:00 this
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morning so everybody allowed to go back in their homes. they're saying it's okay for people to return and we're looking at the guadalupe river. it is going down and that is the good news for neighbors here. they do say, make sure that you are keeping in touch with information whether it's through us, "abc7 news," our twitter and facebook feeds and making sure you sign up for the emergency texts through the santa clara county. >> thank you so much. >> here's a look at the river flooding forecast. now, we've got all of these rivers still climbing, the navarro river, moderate flood stage, russian river, moderate, minor flooding in napa. the guadalupe river is the only river that's now dropping and it was near flood stage and dropping. we do have some creeks across the north bay that are creating moderate flooding right now.
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so you live near willow brook, sonoma creek, it's too late to move your stuff now if it's -- because it's probably been inundated. if it hasn't, there's the chance they could rise amg little bit. but more than likely they're going to start falling. we want to go back to sausalito. you can see the light rain, the steady light rain that's going to be around for a few hours is there. as we look offshore, there's more coming. now the south bay, the santa cruz mountains are going to take the bulk of this moisture as the south bay will get rain shadowed. that's why you're seeing the guadalupe river start to drop and already in its height. here's a look at how much rain we've had so far and we go from 4.65 inches in novato to nearly 8 and a quarter and that's out of this storm so far. here's the newest rain
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potential. we're resetting the clock at 8:00. so about 25 minutes ago. there you go, up until noon, we got a chance of another quarter to a third of an inch and during the evening hours, we'll add a little bit more rain and we'll get up to four tenths to a half of an inch. this will run off, but it won't runoff like the rain we've had the past 24 hours. we're not going to see that happen again. >> that's a relief, mike. let's get back to that breaking news in sausalito. on the left-hand side you see video that we have from overnight when a home came crashing down on sausalito boulevard going down an entire hillside onto the street below, crescent avenue with a person inside. that person is okay, but there was a major mud slide and now on the right-hand side you're seeing the conditions right now that folks are dealing with. it was raining there and it does
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look like it is raining currently. >> you can see how close it came to that home on the right that has that deck. and you can see how it actually hit the home on the left. so that home on the left essentially stopped this house from moving even farther this morning at about 3:00 a.m., you can just imagine, it was pitch dark outside, people start hearing this loud noise coming down the hill. they have no idea what's going on and some of them obviously got woken up by it. other people who weren't, they were told to get out right now. >> right now on the left you can see where that street was. sausalito boulevard and those other homes where crews are assessing the damage. there are still crews out there just trying to determine if those other homes are still okay, if they are in peril of sliding down that hill as well and there are about 50 homes that have been evacuated in this area.
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there's still runoff. you see there's some potholes in the street there on sausalito boulevard. so it's still very much a danger out there. we don't know a timeline yet of how long this is going to take and when folks might be allowed to go back into their homes to get some of their belongings. >> right now there is no power there and there's the smell of gas in this neighborhood, it's been there for hours and we understand that pg&e is at least on its way to getting that taken care of. so we'll continue checking in on that. but this is not the place where anyone wants to be right now. there's still a concern about how safe it is to be in this area and if other homes are in danger of suffering the same fate as this one home that went all the way down hundreds of feet, down this hillside. this is very close, just to give you an idea of where this is, it's very close to 101. if we were to zoom out, you would see 101 at the top of this picture and the tunnel is not
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that far from there. that gives you a little geographic landmark about what we're talking about. the left-hand side is showing you where the missing part of the road is on skymap7. and then on the right-hand side is where the house ended up. >> and you can see that basically broke apart as it was going down that hill. there's debris everywhere. those cars have been unscathed -- >> those cars were. >> there are four that slid down the hill and are damaged. that is just the latest information that we have. obviously there are so many homes densely packed into the hillside area there and that is the major concern as we move forward throughout this day with more rain coming down, how stable is this hillside and which homes there in that area are still in a danger zone. >> we're not going to get the same amount of rain that we got in the last 24 hours, but there's still rain in the forecast, perhaps another half an inch by the time that we are
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done with today. so this isn't over yet. the stunning thing is just seeing these daylight pictures next to the nighttime pictures how much damage was incurred from this house, rolling down this hill. and how far it traveled. and the fact that a woman was able to survive this whole ordeal. it will be something when we get to see her and talk to her to have her describe what this was like. >> those residents feel fortune that it was only one home that's been wiped out by this mud slide. it's almost unbelievable and that that home didn't come crashing down into another one down below. it did hit one, but it was vacant. but overall only one person was injured in all of this. >> you can see how much rain was coming down in sausalito. this is giving you an example of how saturated and wet again it became this morning. so this has ben quite a
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morning. we have been on the air with you since 4:00 a.m. we thank you for being with us. we're going to go back to "gma" right no ♪ fall in love with me, possibility ♪ ♪ one kiss is all it takes to fall in love with me ♪ >> welcome back to "gma." i got to say we have a great audience here for this valentine's day. everybody is feeling the love with our "gma" kiss cam and the couple we saw, they were married on our show. >> yes, they were. >> five years ago. >> that's right. [ applause ] >> i remember. >> hope you guys have a great day. thank you for coming back. >> when i walked in the studio and saw you, one of those faces you'll never forget. >> running from your dressing room this morning.
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>> great to see you doing so well. beautiful. you're welcome. >> thank you guys for joining us. our next guest, a music legend, nine-time grammy winner as well as oscar nominated actressi starring in the new networks series "the umbrella academy." please welcome the hip-hop of soul, mary j. blige. [ applause ] ♪ i don't wanna be like that [ applause ] >> hello. >> hello. good morning. >> you need me to roll you up? happy belated birthday. >> thank you. >> you are looking more than just fine, fine, fine, fine. ooh. thank you so much. how was the celebration? >> oh, man, it was -- i mean, it was the most fun i've had in a
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very long time. i only have like 16 girlfriends, real solid girlfriends. there we are, we had the time of our lives and my sister -- [ applause ] >> they're loving it. >> and my sister's birthday was the following day so the celebration kept going so my birthday was january 11th. hers is january 12th so it just kept going and angie's birthday was the 9th and neese's birthday was the 6th. >> a family affair. >> just kept going. >> beautiful. >> great. >> but you're a nine time grammy winner. women dominated -- [ applause ] yeah, women dominated the grammys this past weekend especially after a lot of criticism about not enough being represented. are things getting better in your opinion. >> yes, i think there's a movement, there's something happening where we're banding
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together and lifting each other up and women are helping each other to do better because it's a very male dominated business, all of them. so we've learned if we lift each other up and not tear each other down with unity we can make this thing better and that's what i'm seeing. [ applause ] >> can we expect a new album soon. >> i'm working on two of them. >> really? >> two of them. >> tell us more. >> i really can't tell you more but it's great. my fans are going to be super happy. it reflects my life, you know, reflects all of our lives as women that are like bosses and, you know, know they can say they are bosses right now. they've earned the right to do that? and you have. >> i tell you what, when those come out, we know a show that you're on right now that would love to have you come back and sing. we're hear waiting for you. >> i'll be back. >> yes, you will. [ applause ] >> yes.
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it's thursday. so we're going to do a little throwback thursday. i can't believe, 25 years ago you released "my life" and your album and i was telling robin, i said it is my favorite album of all time. >> wow. >> that's saying something. he loves music. >> top to bottom. >> thank you. >> what would you tell -- your breakout album, a lot of people thought but what would you tell your younger self, what you know. >> wow, i will say please stop being afraid of who you are because i was very afraid of who i was. that was too much for me. >> you know and now you're branching out and doing all these different things and acting, the "the umbrella academy." y'all, she plays a time traveling assassin named cha-cha, okay. >> yeah, yeah. >> you love being able to -- >> when i saw the script and saw who cha-cha was, she knew hand-to-hand combat and the script was amazing anyway but just the fact that i get to
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fight like -- i get to learn mar that will arts, i was like, yes! and i get to learn how to shoot guns so i know how to shoot a glock and smith & wesson, desert eagle, a sawed off. [ applause ] >> you want to see cha-cha in action? >> yes. >> let's do it. >> maybe if you carried it once in a while we wouldn't have this problem to begin with. my physical therapist isn't even covered by insurance. >> this is you suffering in silence? >> can we not do this now. >> fine. we need to get back to the family compound and find that junkie. >> we barely got out alive. >> i will do digging on the family while you look for that junkie. let's get our briefcase. >> fine. [ applause ] >> and being that your character is an assassin and kicks butt how much training did you have to do? >> about five months, we were in
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toronto for five months, so every day from the first day that i landed i was amped to go train for martial arts so every day we had to train for marshti arts and train for fights and train to ago and fight so it was a lot of acting and fighting? >> oh, wow. >> all that stuff is like acting, fighting, the stuff you see people do so i mean, yeah, it was a lot of that. i already knew how to shoot guns before i got there because, well, my girlfriend tasha, she took me to the shooting range and so i had already learned how to shoot an mp-40 which is the gun cha-cha was supposed to use and i learned everything else but the fighting -- >> five months' work, that's a lot of work. >> you kept it going. we watch you on instagram. you and gabrielle union. >> yeah, we go to the same gym called heart and hustle in l.a. -- >> look. that's no joke. >> yeah, they're so beautiful. [ applause ] >> yeah.
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how often do you work out together. >> i see them every now and then because sometimes gabrielle will have a 6:00 appointment and i'll have an 8:00 appointment and tracee will be -- it's just nice to see them because they're so beautiful and positive and we lift each other up in the gym, you know. [ applause ] >> i love the attitude in the picture, too. you don't want to mess with us and you know what, mary j., thanks for being here. congrats. the "umbrella academy," make sure you check it out. who will get picked? we'll find out when we come back.
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♪ one kiss is all it takes to fall in love with me ♪ >> if you're looking for love who better to help you than your best friends and this morning we're putting that to the test. >> wednesday we introduced you to hannah and her three closest pals helping her find a lasting love. last night we sent hannah out on four dates. i'm not laughing because it didn't go well. actually i can't wait to hear this. four different guy, one night, four different dates, her friends and a dating expert watched the whole thing and critiqued. let's see how it went.
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our mission to find hannah love began yesterday on "gma." >> good luck to you guys. >> reporter: with the help of her personal cupids, aka her three best friends. >> ready to go. >> reporter: hannah went looking for love. >> and on three, one, two, three. >> hannah. >> reporter: four guy, one night, her best friends in her corner and a dating expert with some last-minute tips. >> the best way to start out a first date is with a hug. get your attitude right. and the best way to get them to like you, like them first. always look for three good things about this person on the date and when you put yourself in that mind-set first it's going to make you see what's good instead of focusing on what's not right. >> reporter: so let the dates begin. >> good. how are you? you look lovely. these are for you. >> thank you so much. they're beautiful. where are you from originally. >> i grew up in northern new jersey. i go to montclair now. >> we're talking jersey. long distance. >> geographically undesirable.
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>> i'm a jersey boy all the way. >> he was really interesting. had a lot of great qualities and things to bring to the table. the only thing is i just didn't feel a spark from the conversation. >> welcome to my humble abode. >> it's nice. i actually got you a little pre-valentine's day gift. >> coming in hot. >> gave me this great book. gifts are definitely getting better but if i don't get a puppy by date four, i'm out. >> what do you like to do? what gets you going? >> i guess my hobbies when i travel -- >> she definitely seems a little flirtier. >> yeah. >> this time around. >> yeah. >> what's the one thing in the city that you haven't done that you like, dang, i really need to do that. >> well, this is a made up thing. >> okay. >> so, i have a goal of mine to lead a pizza tour of new york city. >> pizza tour. >> and you know what he'd be the
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first to find -- >> rent the school bus, get all my friends together and like go around to random pizza shops in the city. he seems to be into food and knows good areas. what do you do for fun? what's your jam? >> i do a lot of stuff. >> yeah. >> he she's question. she's asking ten. >> trying to fill voids at certain points of the conversation. >> it was really nice meeting you. thanks for coming. i appreciate it. >> now we'll just have to see who hannah chooses. [ applause ] >> we are here with hannah, her best friends and dating relationship expert bela gandhi. yes. you know what, i love the behind the scenes. you were eating popcorn. >> i didn't have dinner. i was starving. how do you think your dates went. >> going on four dates in one
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night is a new experience for me. >> would you recommend it? >> yes, you can balance it if you're a good conversationalist. if you have the time, go for it. >> what did you think overall. >> it was great. what was interesting, they all were very different so able to have unique conversations with each one of them and definitely bond on different things. >> bela, you behind the scenes. you saw the whole thing. what is your take on it? your feelings about the dates. >> i think the first dates shook out like most first dates, we saw the profiles of the guys beforehand. so we had predictions based on paper who was going to be a better match than whom. >> sounds like a horse race. >> guess what happened, guess what happened in real life when you put two people together, the sparks start flying when you least expect it. she bonded with certain people -- there was eye contact. there was leaning in. there was smiling. there might have been a look. >> lean this way. >> direct on. direct on. >> who knew that marys?
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>> so do you want to hear what the guys think? >> yes. >> come on out, gentlemen. ♪ one kiss is all it takes [ applause ] ♪ one kiss is all it takes >> you are brief souls. we thank you so much for doing this. i want to start with nihma. fonsi wants -- you're not one of the bachelors as much as we all love you. talk to me a little about being the first. was it an advantage or a disadvantage. >> i think it was an advantage because i got a chance to make the first impression and set the bar high for the other guys to try to follow. >> were you nervous, though, these guys are going to have a chance after me, i'll get this all warmed up. >> more nervous that like it's not every day you get a date filmed for tv so a little bit of that but we got to experience that together. >> that's your first shared experience. >> yeah. >> so brian, i want to talk to you about your choice to bring a book as a gift. where did that come from.
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>> hannah mentioned she liked traveling and liked to explore new things so i figured we're in new york city, best city in the world to find some cool spots around the city maybe we could explore together. >> very smooth. very well done. don't you think? [ applause ] >> max, we got to give brian credit for that. what was your experience? were you thinking this is going well, this is incredibly awkward? what did you think about hannah. >> i liked hannah a lot. i thought it was a little strange having people in the room and having it be filmed so i think i was a little nervous. >> you were. and finally, chris, your takeaway from this. what would you say was the best part and worst part. >> i think the best part was to have the new experience and meet someone in a unique way and for us to kind of have, you know, a lot of common things where we lived, bars we like to go to. i guess the bad thing was just kind of weird having cameras hit my way in. >> you were all in it together. you were all in it together and all have the same shared experience with hannah. what did the friends think?
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we've heard from the guys. michael, let's get the breakdown. >> okay, we'll start avery and kelsey, do you think there's a potential suitor for hannah in that group of guy. >> yeah, i think all the dates last night went pretty well but there was one date in particular when it handed hannah gave him this little look which we think is a pretty good sign. >> the look. what's the look? >> not appropriate for television. >> all right. based on what you saw on the date, based on bela's advice as well, you picked who you think should go on a date with hannah. >> yeah. >> okay. on the count of three, i'm going to count down from three, we'll show who you picked. three, two, one. who is on your whiteboard? bryan. [ applause ]
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>> he's moving fast. moving fast. >> moving very fast. he didn't waste any time. >> but i'm curious, darius, why did you pick bryan? >> i mean bryan came in really hot with that book about speakeasies. that's a veteran move. very unique and they definitely bonded about music which is really important for hannah. >> they also had chemistry. the question is do you agree? >> you came over quickly. >> oh. >> go back? >> hey, bryan, bryan, take that, man. take that, take that back. >> geez. >> we're back. >> okay. all right. now, bring it back. you're in luck, i did pick you, bryan. come on back. [ applause ] i like your enthusiasm, though.
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>> well, bryan, at least you must have recognized that look. >> i thought i did. >> for more dating advice from bela, bela, thank you so much, this valentine's day, go to our website and bela has more advice for you. enjoy your next date. thanks for helping her out. over to ginger. what do you got? >> love connection. >> don't we love love. wish we could send them to this place. did you know there is an entire county in oklahoma called love county. well, there is. and it's going to be beautiful today if you two want to get we're looking at live doppler 7 in the same area that had the mudslide and the house fall off the hill in sausalito. more is coming. it won't be as intense as last night speaking of love this weather report sponsored by
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united health care. tell us what's on "strahan & sara." >> my galentine. special plans. the legendary kelsey grammer is here. >> a good one. >> up next, we have puppies.
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we've been waiting for this all morning long, some beautiful puppies for valentine's day. >> these are from the north shore animal league america. we partner with them all the time. 65 puppies from a puppy mill rescued by them now available for adoption. these are just a few of them. >> are you scared? >> i want to get the puppy cam going. these guys will be gone probably within moments but there are so many other dogs. we'd love to make a love connection for as many of you as we can on this valentine's day. >> going right there. >> look at that. >> we have a love connection right there. we thank north shore animal league for everything they do. >> they do so much good work. >> this is a malti-poo and
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pekingese. i don't know what you are but i love you. robin, these are the latest friends and sam champion, no, i did not adopt any dogs this time because all of you guys will. so thank you, guys, for thinking about adopting. contact the north shore animal league america or the place near you, okay? happy valentine's day. >> we'll be right back. >> we'll be right back. [ applause ] it's a deal so good, it will make everyone a fish lover. you get 100%, wild-caught alaska pollock breaded with panko bread crumbs and topped with tartar sauce. plus, hot and salty fries and a drink. for just $4.99! the $4.99 fish sandwich combo. i had so much doubt in me. my current supervisor reached out on linkedin. we set up a phone interview and from there i was hired. linkedin was the matchmaker. we set up a phone interview and from there i was hired.
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♪ [baby crib musical mobile] millions are still exposed to the dangers of secondhand smoke. and some of them can't do anything about it. but you can. protect your family. visit
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it's a deal so good, it will make everyone a fish lover. you get 100%, wild-caught alaska pollock breaded with panko bread crumbs and topped with tartar sauce. plus, hot and salty fries and a drink. for just $4.99! the $4.99 fish sandwich combo.
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>> announcer: he is the grammy nominated rap star arrested and detained by i.c.e. the charge being in the country illegally. 21 savage now in his first television interview since his release, he speaks out exclusive tomorrow on "gma." "good morning america" is sponsored by pure leaf's new herbal iced teas blooming with flavor. a lot of these guys are not puppies. these are the mommy dogs. don't be afraid about adopting an older dog. they live for a long time and will give you endless love. >> we love you. >> happy valentine's day.
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good morning, bay area. let's get up and get going. >> this is "abc7 mornings." it is 8:59. good morning and what a morning it's been. here's mike nicco with a look at the forecast. >> there's a light to moderate shower in sausalito. more light to moderate rain farther south and this is our next push of widespread rain. it will be light to moderate and this will last a couple of hours. we'll get a break and then we'll have a chance of showers and even thunderstorms starting today all the way through sunday. alexis? >> we have a lot of issues. westbound 80 at powell, we have a new crash reported in the hov lane and you're already in recovery road there. check out this drive time, 1
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hour and even minutes. >> time now for "live with kelly and ryan." we're going to see you at 11:00 a.m. for "midday live." you can always kind >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and ryan." today on "live," most of "the tonight show," jimmy fallon! and from the series "fuller house," lori loughlin! all next on "live!" ♪ [cheers and applause] and now, here are kelly ripa and ryan seacrest! [cheers and applause] ♪ >> kelly: look at this. >> ryan: i know! it's great. [cheers and applause]


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